
PhotoFriday entry for Massive

Photo Friday Entry
Back to the Falkirk Wheel. An impressive, massive structure. Wastrel On!


Mickey, Meet Dr. George

Ok, so my entries are a little out of order. Yesterday's entry should have been several days back while the entry with Joseph & Mickey should have backed up to today's entry. Sorry. But, it's my journal, deal with it. :-) So, here is another photo of Mickey. This time she's playing with Dr. George. Taken again from our bedroom window, you can see the wall-covering ivy on the right side of the image. This was such an amazing place, and getting to share it with Dr. George (one of the most incredible men I have ever met) and so many others made it ever more special. Wastrel On! (Listening to: Lusty Young Smith by Celtic Stone)


The Centurion

We picked up Ginger just fine at the Edinburgh Airport. She was a little surprised to see us rather than Larry & Denise (who were still in the US), but true to form, she adapted quickly. Of course, we still had to pick up the other two girls, so not wanting to spend a couple of hours in Edinburgh airport, off we went into the grand city itself, well a suberb of anyway. Of course, it didn't take very long for me to locate a pub, a parking spot & a pint. Delightful. It was in the Centurion where I noticed the first of many signs I was to see while in Scotland; "No playing of Football songs, nor wearing of Football colours!" Signs such as these are apparently needed in Scotland to avoid hooligan-hassles! Sadly, I neglected to take a photo of the sign, so here's a photo of the exterior of the Centurion. Wastrel On! (Listening to: Sally Ann by Great Big Sea)


Gillian's Keys

I'm thirsty, I'm tired, my toe is broken and I need a drink. So, here's a photo, because I don't want to type anymore. Wastrel On! (Listening To: Dark Wind by the Saw Doctors)