
Killiecrankie Hotel

The Killiecrankie Hotel sits north of Pitlochrie some 25 minutes on a very windy B road. This was an unexpected stop on our journey as we were planning to visit Killiecrankie Hotel next week. However, we found ourselves without lodging quite late in the day. So, my dear wife called up Tim, the proprietor, and asked him if by chance he had room for us. He did, so off we went to Killiecrankie where we spent an absolutely lovely evening in the company of Tim, and three German guests (two of which were in Scotland to learn English in Edinburgh). A charming room, sans air conditioning (as seems to be the norm), greeted us up the stairs, around the corner, down a step (ducking heads as we went to avoid the seriously low ceiling) and around another corner. But well worth the visit and the £105 pounds. If you find yourself in Killiecrankie, stay here. Wastrel On! (Listening to: Everything She Wants by Wham)

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