
"launched" fwstrikers.com today. It's a soft launch, which means that only a few select folks actually know about it. And thus far, only one has even tried to use it. He immediately pointed out to me that perhaps a blog was more useful than a forum. I'll have to look at that, it just might be an option. Found a neat little tool that takes me to a Random Fresh Blog each time I use it. By doing this, I just discovered FredMiranda.com. Now, I don't know who the heck Fred Miranda is, but he's a helluva photographer. Additionally, he's established an online community of some 35000+ photographers and wannabe's. Lots of communication and photos. Miranda also puts out a weekly assignment and a monthly theme to stretch your creativity. This week's assignment is BLUE. Some of the photos already posted are astounding. His monthly theme is NIGHTIME. Again, we'll see what happens. I'm such a mediocre photographer at best that I'm not sure I can justify the raising and oft-times overwhelming cost of film & processing. Now, if I was digital it would be an entirely different story. All for now. Keep wastreling!

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