
Falkirk & the Goose on Newmarket

I know I said I'd talk about the Falkirk Wheel some more, but well...I lied. The Goose on Newmarket came first, so I'll talk about it first. Immediately after booking our room for the night at a local B&B, we went in search of a notebook for myself. I had left mine on the plane in Glasgow. Although we had no real luck finding a notebook, we did find the Goose on Newmarket The Goose on Newmarket
A very trendy pub just off the High street, it was filled with cigar smoking, beer-swilling yuppie-types and us. Marita Beth eschewed beer preferring instead to sit there and watch me drink mine while trying, almost vainly, to stay awake. I hadn't realized she was so tired, or I'd have not stopped. Live & Learn I suppose. Next time, I'll ask. But, this was pretty much how it was to be the remainder of the trip. Not that it was always Marita Beth or always tiredness, but someone always had a problem with my wanting to stop in at a pub. It got really friggin' old. Wastrel On

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