
The Falkirk Wheel

"Falkirk Wheel? What the fuck is a Falkirk Wheel?" That's what I said to my wife as we drove along some A road (the A9?) in Scotland winding our way slowly from Paisley toward Perth. We weren't due in Perth for another 2 days, so we decided to find out just what the fuck a Falkirk Wheel is. A few wrong turns later and we saw this: The Falkirk Wheel What an imposing, impressive structure. It is, by it's own admission, "the world's first and only rotating boat lift." It was late in the day, so we stayed long enough to visit the gift shop and small exhibition, but decided to return the next day to actually ride the thing. More on that tomorrow. Wastrel On! (Listening To: Night Rider's Lament by Garth Brooks)

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