
MB, Ginger & Glamis

Once again integrating my wife into the photo; this time with our very dear friend Ginger of Faire Pair Tights & Such. She made the last minute decision to join us on this trip, and I am so very glad she did. A breathe of wonderfully clean fresh air and a revitilization of wonderful memories. These 2 outstanding ladies and Lisa Oliver & Myself made a Yule Time trip to England some years back. What a wonderful time that was. This trip was all that as well, only additional, different friends and different locations; but very special nonetheless. This will be my last photo of Glamis Castle. At this point we were done with the Highland Games; done with the Tug Of War; done with the caber tossing; done with the weight for height; done with the shopping; done with the beer. No, strike that last one, we're never done with the beer. Just continuing to drink at a different location. So, off we'll trudge from here back to New Milne to meet up with Kyle & Desiree Ford, and Larry & Denise Geisen who had arrived just a little while before, having been delayed in the US over night. Wastrel On! (Listening to: Visions at Night by Lashing Patsy)

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