
Castle Terrace Car Park

Castle Terrace Car Park Ahh, the Edinburgh Castle. Astonishing in it's rocky glory, no? My previous visit to the castle, I had recalled a street on which nearly no one parked that had easy access to the castle. Marita Beth navigated & I drove us to Grassmarket (Haymarket?) Street where we were to park, only to find that they had erected this HUGE parking garage, which made it doubly easy to park. It also explained why in Project Gotham 2, I was racing down familiar, yet unfamilar streets in Edinburgh. They'd put this monstrous parking garage in the game, I didn't know it was there. We parked & we walked, through the rain, up the hill to the castle. Marita Beth & I had a different agenda on that day, so we didn't go in the castle, but Larry, Denise & Ginger did...and loved it. Wastrel On! (Listening to: Rock the Casbah by the Clash)

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