
Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle Quite the image. Walking up the hill toward the castle from the carpark I looked up to see this. This imposing structure on top of an already imposing rockpile was a photo I couldn't resist. The Castle is such an overwhelmingly dominant structure that the city of Edinburgh would be lonely, indeed desolate, without it. It lords over the city like no other city in all of the British Isles. It exists to prove every childhood dream of a castle true. The epitome of the castle, it is the subject of countless stories & legends. It is visited by more than one million tourists every year who after visiting the castle & marvelling, wander out, down the esplinade and into the Royal Mile where they spend their hard-earned dollars, yen & euros on Scottish trinkets. A fantastic sight, a fantastic site. Wastrel On! (Listening to Burning Bridges by Garth Brooks)

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