

12 January 2008
On Saturday I gave in to my baser instincts for competition and comraderie. I got up in the early morning and watched a little footy before going off to play some myself. After exhausting myself in the Texas heat (it was 59 Farenheit when we stopped at noon), I went home to spend a wee bit of time with the wife. She eventually had to leave for a dance practice and I promptly fell asleep. A couple of hours later I woke up and, still following my baser instincts, headed to the bar for comraderie and beer and NFL. This is the bar:
Football Crowd
My local, you might say, as it's the most local to me and it truly is a place where everybody knows my name (at least the staff and a few of the other patrons). No Frills Grill in Arlington. It's where I hang my hat when I'm not hanging it elsewhere.

~KR (Written on 15 January 2008)

Carolina Hurricanes at Toronto Mapleleafs
5 to 4 with 8.6 seconds left in the 3rd Period

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